Wednesday, 24 November 2010


Becky and myself have chosen not to have an dialogue in our film opening but instead let the music set the scene and atmosphere for the rest of the film. We have chosen to do this for several reasons.
Firstly, we think that this will draw more focus onto what is actually happening as the clips are quick and change a lot which could possibly make it sound a bit messy and jumpy. Secondly, the audience are kept in more suspense as they are not dragged down by a long conversation right at the beginning, instead we give them something eventful to grab their attention and get them interested in the film right from the start. Also, there is a big chunk of footage in our opening where the actors are completely alone so that they don't have anyone to talk to. This includes the getting ready scene and when Alison is alone in the forest in her visions. We think that it would be a bit silly to just have bits of dialogue scattered throughout. Lastly, a lot of the films we have looked at also didn't have any or much dialogue during the opening credits/scene so we are adopting this idea into our own film opening. An example of this keeping within our horror genre would be the opening to Saw 3.

However, we may include diegetic sound over the top of the music tracks we will use. This could be done for when we have the close up of Alison after she has been running through the forest. We could use the sound of heavy breathing and her trying to catch her breath or another example would be leaves crunching while she runs though the forest. These two are done very well in the opening of the film 'Shrooms' which I looked at before.

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