Wednesday, 2 March 2011

2: How does your media product represent particular social groups?

My media product gives representations of particular social groups though the storyline, narrative and the actors I have used.

My film opening gives a representation that females are quite weak and defenceless as my female character appears to be the victim; the killer is about to stab her at the end without her being aware. This is quite stereotypical as women are seen to be weaker than men making them typically inferior. My film opening shows the female to be very vulnerable and naive. This is a typical representation of women in the Horror genre and in most genres. There is an ideology that women are weaker than men and therefore tend to be the victim more frequently in films, as they are thought of to be easier to attack and kill.

However, the female character in my film opening is the protagonist. I have shown this by having a lot of focus on her and she gets more screen time than Jay, the male character. This suggests that women are more important than men in this film which is not the stereotype set in society. It is unusual for a women to be the main character in films and Horrors in particular which means that my film opening represents women as a higher status and of more importance than men in society. It also contradicts the idea of women being weak as it gives her power and authority. Many films, in particular Horrors, have not had female protagonists until recently. And example of this would be the film Wolf Creek, 2005. Usually, in horrors, the main characters manages to survive until the end of the film. By having a female as the main character it hows them as being able to survive the horror and dangers in the film which suggests women as strong and as survivors.

The male character in my film is shown to be quite mysterious as we do not suspect he is the bad guy until quite late in to my film opening. Even then, we only get slight hints, a close up on his eyes before her vision, until the ending of my film opening where we discover him to be the antagonist for definite. As the killer, this portrays the male as being very violent and evil. This agrees with codes and conventions of the horror genre as the majority of horror films use males to play these roles. Also there is the ideology that females are too weak and innocent to play the role of a killer as they are not as powerful or evil as a man can be. My film represents the male as being dominant, as he is attacking the female character. However he is also represented as mysterious and quite sneaky as his role in the film is unexpected from the first part of the opening the viewer sees.

The shot of the two characters at the dinner table enjoying a meal presents them as being of middle class. The shot shows a very tidy, modern and simplistic home which looks very middle class. The candles and neatness of the shot show that effort has been put into the presentation for the date. The characters are shown to be drinking wine which suggests that they can afford alcohol rather than something non alcoholic, which would be at a lower price, with their meal and suggests them as being middle class. The shot suggests that there has been no expense spared and that the characters can afford to cook a meal rather than buy it readily made which also suggests the characters as middle class.

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