Thursday, 3 March 2011

4: Who would be the audience for your media product?

I think that the main audience for my media product would be teenagers and young adults aged around 15-25. This is because, as a horror, it may contain scenes which could possibly make it a certificate 15 which many horrors and film of a similar genre are, especially as my film would contain murder and violence which may not be suitable for younger viewers. Obviously, this would only apply if I were to continue and shoot the whole of the film not just the opening two minutes. I would like to think that my film would appeal to both males and females as I have used a male and a female character of a similar age to what I would think my main audience would be. Also, the romantic parts of the film would typically appeal more to the female viewers whilst the horror and violence would typically draw in more of a male audience. This fits in with my initial target audience that I first wanted to address my film opening to.

By looking at other existing yet similar media products, I have looked at the certificate and target audience to get a more accurate idea of what my target audience would be. I have looked at psychological horrors because this would relate to my main character having visions, such as in Black Swan, where the main character Nina has hallucinations. I have also looked at slightly romantic horrors such as Let The Right One In where the young boy falls in love with the girl who is a vampire. Both films are certificate 15.

I was very surprised to see these statistics about audience for the film Black Swan, from IMDb. I was to surprised to see that far more males watched the film in comparison to females as it is a film very much based on ballet which is more stereotypically a females interest. The main audience for this film came from under 18's however it has been popular with all ages, gradually decreasing as the viewer got older. This means that my film may be able to appeal to a much wider audience than I originally thought and may appeal to and audience slightly older than 25 years old. I still think that under 25's will be the main audience for my film. I also still think my film will appeal to both male and females more equally than Black Swan as it has both male and female characters that could appeal to both genders, where as Black Swan's characters are mainly females which do attract a more male audience.

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